Sunday, October 12, 2008

This weeks numbers: $8.5 million and 13 1/2 points

The Lions have reached new depths of futility. This is the worst they have ever been. They will be lucky to win 2 games and have a good opportunity to be become the first NFL team to go 0-16.

They did score a victory of sorts this week. Former first round wide receiver Charles Rogers was ordered by a court to give back his $8.5 million dollar signing bonus. Not sure how they will actually get that money back, maybe they can send over some muscle; maybe some of the eleven defensive lineman they have on their roster are actually good for something.

Also, just to give an idea on how bad things are, the Lions are 13 and half point underdogs to a 2-3 Minnesota Vikings team. I have to think this is unprecedented. It makes me wonder whether the Lions are due for an upset.

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